Dragon Ball Multiverse Wiki
King Cold
Korudo Daiō
Race Frost Demon
Date of birth 53 before Age (847 years old)
  • Artic (ancestor)
  • Great-grandfather
  • Emperor Blizzard (grandfather)
  • Frosty (uncle)
  • Chilled (uncle)
  • Ice Kurima (uncle)
  • Snower (father)
  • Polar (brother)
  • Freeza (son)
  • Coola (son)
  • King Cold from Universe 12. He, along with his son Freeza came to planet Earth to help Freeza in his revenge against Goku.


    He fought against Goku after his son was killed by the Super Saiyan. He eventually was forced to transform since his second restrict form power was not enough to beat Goku. In his first restricted form, he was able to effortlessly defeat the Super Saiyan. Cold was defeated due to teamwork of the Z-Warriors mainly because he eventually lose control of his own power. In the end, Vegeta killed the tyrant.

    Due to King Cold's evidently tolerant reign over his sadistic and merciless sons, King Cold's own acts throughout his life most likely sent him to Hell.

