Dragon Ball Multiverse Wiki
Debut Page 36
Race Jaykal
Date of birth Age 476 (318 years old)
Date of death Age 794 (revived)

Age 794

  • Bojack (superior)
  • Bujin (former comrade)
  • Bido (comrade)
  • Gokua (comrade)
  • Woljack (comrade)
  • Gohana (comrade)
  • 20 unnamed members (comrades)
  • "Hey! I thought you'd run away! Ready to finish like your little friend?"
    — Zangya, taunting Bra, in "The taste of revenge"

    Zangya was a crew member of the space pirate, Bojack, helping him wreak havoc among the universe and exterminate any opposition to his rule.

    After returning to her universe following the Multiverse Tournament, she, along with Bojack and Bujin, were ambused by Kat, Syd, Jet and Mai in an attempt to kill the crew of Jaykals, with Bujin ultimately betraying both her and Bojack to kill their superior. Zangya and Bojack attempt to fight back, but soon realize their power was stripped from them due to Mai's magicial abiltites.

    After Bojack is killed by Kat, she is immediately excecuted by the latter afterwards.


    Zangya was described by many as deceptive, even being imprisoned for stealing peoples possessions through swindling.


    Early Life[]

    Zangya was born in Age 476 on Planet Jayna and was imprisoned in Age 499 for swindling. Soon after, she was forced to undergo experiments in order to increase her battle power in order to oppose Prince Cold and Polar.

    After Bojack kills Commander Seggui, Zangya explains that she’s a fan of Bojack’s and wishes to join him along with many others. After being accepted by Bojack into his newly formed gang, she leaves Planet Jayne to ruin to wreak havoc in the universe.

    In Age 778, Zangya, along with Bojack and Bujin, terrorize Kat, Syd, Jet and Mai’s home planet, killing 356,000 people in the process and quarreling with Bojack afterwards.

    Multiverse Tournament[]

    First Round[]

    Zangya's opponent in the first round was Bra of Universe 16. Zangya attempted to forfeit after seeing Vegetto and Broly's match, but was ordered not to by Bojack, exclaiming that he won't allow cowards in his crew.

    Zangya reluctantly enters the ring, stating to herself that at least she's up against a kid, assuming that because of Bra's age she won't put up much of a fight. After Bra enters the ring, Zangya taunts the half-Saiyan about the death of Pan, hoping to rile her up with the insult. This insult ends up angering Bra so greatly that Bra begins to power up with a nasty scowl on her face. Zangya, realizing that taunting her was a fatal mistake, watches Bra with immense fear as the girl prepares to land an air pressure attack on her, being slammed into the ring's invisible barrier, killing Zangya instantly.

    Second Round: Ghost Warriors[]

    Later, Zangya was summoned as a ghost by Dr. Raichi of Universe 3 alongside several other of the deceased participants to battle Prince Vegeta of Universe 13.

    After being wished back, she left with Bojack, Bujin and all of her universe.

    The Downfall of Bojack[]

    in the Vargas ship on the way back to Universe 6, Zangya makes a snarky remark to Bojack after he comments how he misses his palace. Arriving at a planet she’s unfamiliar with, Zangya notices when Mai provokes Bojack, arousing her suspicion. When Jet seemingly warmly welcomes the Jaykals to their planet, the planet that the Vargas dropped them off at, Zangya’s suspicions are confirmed and she quickly warns Bojack not to follow their lead, only for him to brush off her concerns.

    As Kat, Syd, Jet and Mai announce their intentions of killing Bojack, Zangya stands by Bojack and silently rejects Bujin’s offer of rebelling against their boss after he announces his betrayal. When Bojack is outmatched by Kat, Zangya realizes that an unknown source is suppressing their power. Despite this, Zangya attempts to attack Jet, Syd and Mai but is thwarted by Bujin who kicks her in the stomach. After Bujin calls her out for siding with Bojack and her deception, Zangya charges towards him, grabbing his sharp necklace and slicing the side of his neck with it.

    Zangya then sets her sights on Jet, Syd and Mai with Bujin’s necklace in hand, attempting to stab Jet with it but the woman blocks it with her sword before grabbing Zangya’s arm and pinning her to the ground with the sword up to her neck. Looking up at Mai, Zangya realizes that she is the culprit behind their suppression of power. Shortly after her realization, Kat kills Bojack and Zangya begins to panic and begs for mercy only to be killed by the woman.
